Conference sub themes include:
- Developing questions and planning inquiries
- Assessing for learning
- Evaluating sources and using evidence
- Communicating conclusions and taking informed action
- Integrating Technology for the social studies classroom
- Thinking like a... (Economist, Historian, Political Scientist, Geographer...)
Our keynote speaker will be Tim Smyth. Mr. Smyth is a high school social studies educator of more than 20 years who travels the country giving professional development on the power of teaching with comics. His most recent book is Teaching with Comics and Graphic Novels.
Teaching with Comics and Graphic Novels is available to purchase when registering for the conference.
The Conference will also include over 25 concurrent sessions addressing the various social studies disciplines and pedagogical practices. Some sessions will specifically address teaching in an elementary classroom.
How will ICSS encourage participants to visit the exhibitors?
- The exhibitor space is in the midst of all the breakout rooms.
- All refreshments and snacks will be in the exhibitor area.
- Exclusive time set aside in the AM and the PM for participants to visit the exhibitors.
- If this completed contract is received by Sept. 1, ICSS will guarantee that your organization or business will appear in the conference program and on the ICSS website.
Exhibitor Benefits:
One exhibitor per booth may attend the conference sessions for free!
If additional exhibitors would like to attend the conference, they get a discounted rate!
Exhibitor Opportunity:
Want to sponsor a strand of sessions on a particular theme in social studies?
Check the appropriate box, and add the amount to your booth fee.
We’ll contact you with details.
Want to join the Iowa Council?
Simply check the appropriate box and add $25 to your booth fee.
The ICSS membership coordinator will contact you.
Learn about the benefits of ICSS Membership at www.iowasocialstudies.org.
Read the entire contract carefully and thoroughly.
Some items have been changed and/or updated.
Questions may be directed to:
Daniel Jones, ICSS Exhibitor Coordinator
e-mail: icssonline@gmail.com
Learn more about the conference on-line www.iowasocialstudies.org