Iowa Council for the Social Studies

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ICSS Fall Conference 2021

  • 04 Oct 2021
  • 7:30 AM - 5:00 PM
  • West Des Moines Marriott
  • 0

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This year's theme is "Iowa Social Studies: A Whole New World"

Conference sessions will focus on Equipping Teachers as Leaders in a New Era

  • Engaging in Inquiry
  • Finding and Evaluating Sources
  • Communicating Conclusions/Taking Actions
  • Teaching with Technology

Our keynote speaker will be Dr. Dianne Bystrom Dr. Bystrom served as the director of the Carrie Chapman Catt Center for Women and Politics at Iowa State University between 1996 and 2018. She established Iowa State’s interdisciplinary undergraduate Leadership Studies Program; taught courses on leadership, women and politics, and political campaigns; and speaks frequently to university and community organizations throughout the state and nation on women’s leadership and political status.

A frequent commentator and author about political and women’s issues for state, national and international media, her research interests have focused on (1) the styles and strategies used by female and male political candidates in their television advertising, websites and social media and (2) the coverage of women candidates and political leaders by the media.

Pre-Conference Workshops 

Medal of Honor Character Development Program 

Teaching East Asia-- Japan's Place in the World

Teachers attending the pre-conference workshops on Sunday October 3 and the ICSS conference will be eligible for a license renewal credit. 

The Iowa Council for the Social Studies is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.

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